Friday, April 27, 2007

Ice Cream Thief...


yesterday I had a chance (finally) to get out and shoot some engagement photos of Lindsey and Bill. What a great couple! We ran all around the sprawling metropolis of Concord. In the gardens, up the alley, behind a dumpster in a field and a brief stop for ice cream. Hey, being a super model is tough business!

So, we are hangin' out when Bill gets a chance to contemplate his flavor choice. He chose strawberry but I think he really wanted vanilla. He actually paid me to distract her so that he could get lick (or six!).

There were a ton of great photos and I will post a few of them shortly but I really liked this one. Fun stuff, fun photo, very fun couple!

Can't wait for the wedding but I am NOT climbing any embankments or trailblazing through the world's largest thicket bush again!

My Dogs are Nuts! (well, nuts and chews at least)

So, it was recently my wife's birthday and one of her sisters sent her a box of See's Candy. The Nuts and Chews are her favorite. Well, before she had a chance to try them, somebody (?) decided that they should rip open the box and enjoy themselves. I swear, when I got home they were all sitting around smoking a cigarette.

I know, chocalate is really bad for dogs but the amount of chocolate to dog weight makes it ok. is a little slideshow for ya! (Speakers on please)

More later...