Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm not sure... this happened. All I know is that I was out at The Saratoga Springs shooting a wedding with Ron and Vanessa Beaver of Universal Photo-Cam and the next thing I know, this happens. This guy was some random guest at the wedding but he turned out to be super cool. I am just glad that we were both able to remove the corks!

Kick-ass cork photo compliments of Ron Beaver!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Talk about LAZY!

I have been such a lazy butt lately and I think I have decided to blame it on the heat. Of course, that doesn't do too much good considering I was in Key West all last week. I can assure you that I was working every single day I was there but I was internet limited (to say the least). That set me back a bit.

One of the things I was going to upload was a slide-show from Carron and Terry. Yet another totally cool couple. Nonetheless, here ya go and stay coooooool!

Press the play button (on the left!) and crank up the speakers!