Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Snowballs are melting!

You know how it is when you get really busy, get behind, and can't catch up? It is like a giant snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger. turns out that the "Snowballs from HELL" are beginning to melt!

Here is a slideshow that I just put together. I hope you enjoy it.


Lisa and Dan, your wedding was fantastic. Thank you for having such a great day. Oh, and thanks for being patient as well!

Press the play button (white triangle on the lower left) and make sure your speakers are on.


Thursday, October 18, 2007


So, I was playing with the layout of my blog and changed it to this.

Yeah, I don't like it either. So, there is a NEW BLOG just around the corner. This one will stay up but I am thinking of changing things altogether.

I will keep you posted with the appropriate links and such!
